Sole Patches are cushioned stickers that can be applied directly to the ball or the heel of your foot. Alternatively, they can be applied directly onto your shoe to avoid pain in your feet. I chose the latter, as I wanted to get more than just one use out of a pair of patches. If you apply them to your foot, they will only last for one use, but if you apply them into your shoe, they will stay permanently.

After trying these in a few pairs of shoes, including the flats below, I can confirm that the shock-absorbing properties of the high tech urethane PORON® (by Rogers Corporation) gave my feet extra padding and cushion with each step. I also love that this materials is antimicrobial, so I don't have to worry about the material getting gross in my shoes.

I was lucky enough to try these during the holiday party season, and these patches helped me avoid tired and sore feet. As Sole Patches' claims promised, I noticed that I could last a bit longer on the dance floor and I stayed a little longer at the party since my feet were more comfortable!
If you have shoes that you don't wear due to foot pain, I highly recommend trying #SoulPatches! They will allow you to wear any shoes you want without sacrificing comfort.